High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique

President Nyusi grants audience to Total chairperson

Maputo, 13 Sep (AIM) – Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on 12 September received a delegation from the French oil and gas company Total, led by the Chairperson of its Board, Patrick Pouyanne.

According to a press release from President Nyusi’s office, the President and Pouyanne discussed the development of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project that a consortium headed by Total is building on the Afungi Peninsula, in the northern province of Cabo Delgado. They expressed satisfaction at the progress made so far, particularly the guarantee of the financial resources needed.

Work at Afungi is now continuing at “a good pace”, the release said, despite an outbreak of the Covid-19 respiratory disease which had paralysed the site earlier in the year.

The Total leadership, the President’s office added, “reaffirmed its full commitment to continue implementing the project in accordance with the projected programme and targets.

President Nyusi and Pouyanne also discussed the roads leading to Afungi and the efforts underway “to restore the bridges and access routes affected by natural disasters”.

President Nyusi and the Total delegation discussed the training of Mozambican staff for the LNG project and the development of their skills, as well as measures seeking to promote local content, in the context of a long term partnership between Mozambique and Total.

The two sides expressed their commitment and desire to maintain fluid communication to ensure successful implementation of the project. They proposed to set up a mechanism for high-level regular coordination.

Total E&P Mozambique Area 1, Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Total, is the operator of the Mozambique LNG project, with a holding of 26.5 per cent. The other members of the consortium are the Japanese company Mitsui (20 per cent), Mozambique’s own National Hydrocarbon Company, ENH, (15 per cent), the three Indian companies ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited, Beas Rovuma Energy and BPRL Ventures Mozambique (each with 10 per cent) and PTTEP of Thailand (8.5 per cent).

Total and its partners have mobilised US$23 billion for the project, of which US$16 billion comes from various banks and the rest from own capital.